


當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > > 品牌介紹 > Agdia植物檢測(cè)產(chǎn)品目錄



  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 廠商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28
  • 訪  問(wèn)  量:9895


美國(guó)阿格迪agdia是zui大的植物病害診斷試劑生產(chǎn)商,涵蓋了植物病害檢測(cè)、轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)、植物生長(zhǎng)激素檢測(cè)及藍(lán)綠藻毒素檢測(cè)。產(chǎn)品品種zui多,可檢測(cè)項(xiàng)目多達(dá)200多個(gè)。包裝規(guī)格zui全(96孔、288孔、480孔、500孔、1000孔、5000孔)適合不同規(guī)模的實(shí)驗(yàn)室。檢測(cè)方式多樣化,部分產(chǎn)品有ELISA、檢測(cè)試劑條、免疫熒光、免疫印跡、PCR 及DNA等多種方法,診斷原理主要為酶聯(lián)免疫(Elisa)方法中的雙抗體夾心法(捕獲抗體-抗原(植物病毒)-酶標(biāo)記抗體),zui后通過(guò)酶催化底物發(fā)色,從而鑒定被檢樣品是否已感染病毒,該方法操作簡(jiǎn)便,診斷迅速,適合檢測(cè)大批量樣品。從中您一定能發(fā)現(xiàn)適合您使用的產(chǎn)品。

Alfalfa Mosaic Virus(AMV)苜?;ㄈ~病毒診斷試劑

African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV)非洲木薯花葉病毒診斷試劑

Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli (Aac) 燕麥?zhǔn)伤峋\斷試劑

American Plum Line Pattern Virus (APLPV)美洲李子線狀病毒診斷試劑

Andean Potato Latent Virus(APLV)安第斯馬鈴薯潛隱性病毒診斷試劑

Angelonia flower break virus (AnFBV) 天使花花碎病毒診斷試劑

Apple Chlorotic Leaf spot Virus (ACLSV)Sanofi ELISA 蘋(píng)果褪綠葉斑病毒診斷試劑

Arabis Mosaic Virus(ArMV)南芥菜花葉病毒診斷試劑

Asparagus Virus2  (AV2)蘆筍病毒2診斷試劑

Banana Bract Mosaic Virus (BBrMV)香蕉苞花葉病毒診斷試劑

Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)香蕉束頂病毒診斷試劑

Barley stripe Mosaic Virus (BSMV)大麥條紋花葉病毒診斷

Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-mavBYDV-mav)大麥黃矮病毒mav診斷試劑

Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-pavBYDV-pav)大麥黃矮病毒pav診斷試劑

Bean Common Mosaic Virus BCMV)菜豆普通花葉病毒診斷試劑

Bean Pod Mottle Virus BPMV)菜豆豆莢斑駁病毒診斷試劑

Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus BYMV)菜豆黃色花葉病毒診斷試劑

Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus BNYVV)甜菜壞死黃脈病毒診斷試劑

Carnation Latent Virus (CLV)香石竹(康乃馨)潛病毒診斷試劑

Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV)香石竹(康乃馨)蝕環(huán)病毒診斷試劑

Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV)花椰菜花葉病毒診斷試劑

Cereal yellow dwarf virus(RPV)禾谷黃矮病毒診斷試劑

Chrysanthemum Virus B (CVB)菊花病毒B診斷試劑

Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV)柑橘衰退病毒診斷試劑

Corn Stunt Spiroplasma(CSS)玉米矮化診斷試劑

Cowpea Mosaic Virus (CPMV)豇豆花葉病毒診斷試劑

Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV)黃瓜綠斑駁花葉病毒診斷

Cucumber Mosaic Virus(CMV)黃瓜花葉病毒診斷試劑

Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup I(CMV I)黃瓜花葉病毒亞組I診斷試劑

Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup II(CMV II) 黃瓜花葉病毒亞組 II 診斷

Cymbidium Mosaic Virus(CyMV)蘭花花葉病毒診斷試劑

Cymbidium Ringspot Virus(CyRSV)蘭花環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Dasheen Mosaic Virus(DsMV)芋花葉病毒診斷試劑

Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV)大蒜普通潛伏性病毒診斷試劑

Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV)葡萄扇葉病毒診斷試劑

Kalanchoe Latent Virus(KLV)落地生根(高粱菜)潛病毒診斷試劑

Leek Yellow Stripe Virus (LYSV)大蔥黃色斑紋病毒診斷試劑

Lettuce Mosaic Virus (LMV)萵苣花葉病毒診斷試劑

Lily Symptomless Virus (LSV)百合無(wú)癥病毒診斷試劑

Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus (MCMV)玉米褪綠班駁病毒診斷試劑

Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus(MDMV)玉米矮花葉病毒診斷試劑

Maize Mosaic Virus (MMV)玉米花葉病毒診斷試劑

Maize Streak Virus (MSV)玉米條紋病毒診斷試劑

Maize White Line Mosaic Virus (MWLMV)玉米白線花葉病毒診斷試劑

Melon Necrotic Spot Virus(MNSV)瓜類壞死斑病毒診斷試劑

Nemesia ring necrosis virus (NeRNV)龍面花環(huán)疽病毒診斷試劑

Nandina Mosaic Virus (NaMV)Nandina花葉病毒診斷試劑

Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus (ORSV)齒蘭環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus (OYDV)洋蔥黃矮病毒診斷試劑

 Pantoea stewartii (Pstew)/Erwinia stewartii (Es) 斯氏歐文氏菌診斷

Papaya Mosaic Virus (PapMV)番木瓜花葉病毒診斷試劑

Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV)番木瓜環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus (PRMV)桃叢簇花葉病毒診斷試劑

Peanut Stunt Virus (PSV)花生矮化病毒診斷試劑

Pelargonium Flower Break Virus (PFBV)天竺葵花碎病毒診斷試劑

Pelargonium Leaf Curl Virus (PLCV)天竺葵曲葉病毒診斷試劑

Pelargonium Zonate Spot Virus (PZSV)天竺葵環(huán)帶斑病毒診斷試劑

Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV)辣椒輕微斑駁病毒診斷試劑

Pepper Mottle Virus (PepMoV)辣椒斑駁病毒診斷試劑

Phytophthora(Phyt) 疫霉屬鞭毛菌診斷試劑

Plum Pox Virus (PPV)洋李痘庖病毒診斷試劑

Poinsettia Mosaic Virus(PnMV)猩猩木花葉病毒診斷試劑

Potato Aucuba Mosaic Virus (PAMV)馬鈴薯奧古巴花葉病毒診斷試劑

Potato Latent Virus (PotLV)馬鈴薯潛伏性病毒診斷試劑

Potato Leaf Roll Virus(PLRV)馬鈴薯卷葉病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  A (PVA)    馬鈴薯A病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  M (PVM)馬鈴薯M病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  S (PVS)馬鈴薯S病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  T (PVT)馬鈴薯T病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  V (PVV)馬鈴薯V病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  X (PVX)馬鈴薯X病毒診斷試劑

Potato Virus  Y(PVY)馬鈴薯Y病毒診斷篩選試劑

Potato Virus  Y  strain C (PVY-c)馬鈴薯Y病毒株C 診斷試劑

Potato Virus Y strains O and C (PVY-o+c)  馬鈴薯Y病毒株O 及C  診斷

Potato Virus Y necrotic strain(PVY-n)馬鈴薯Y病毒壞死株診斷試劑

Potyvirus Group (POTY)  馬鈴薯Y病毒屬診斷試劑

Prune Dwarf Virus (PDV)洋李矮縮病毒屬 診斷試劑

Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus (PNRSV)李屬壞死環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Pseudomonas Avenae(Pa)Bacterial 燕麥假單胞菌診斷試劑

Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) 青枯病診斷試劑

Pseudomonas syringae pv.phaseolicola (Psph )細(xì)菌診斷試劑

Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus (RBDV)懸鉤子叢矮病毒診斷試劑

Ribgrass Mosaic Virus (RMV) 長(zhǎng)葉車前草花葉病毒診斷試劑

 Shallot Latent Virus (SLV)蔥潛伏性病毒診斷試劑

Soil-borne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV)小麥土傳花葉病毒診斷試劑

Soybean dwarf virus(SbDV) 大豆矮化病毒診斷試劑

Southern Bean Mosaic Virus (SBMV)南方菜豆花葉病毒診斷試劑

Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV)大豆花葉病毒診斷試劑

Spiroplasma citri (Sc) 檸檬螺原體診斷試劑

Squash Mosaic Virus (SqMV)南瓜花葉病毒診斷試劑

Strawberry latent Ringspot Virus (SLRSV)草莓潛隱環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Sugarcane Bacilliform Virus (SCBV)甘蔗桿狀病毒診斷試劑

Sugarcane Mosaic Virus (SCMV)甘蔗花葉病毒診斷試劑

Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) 煙草蝕紋病毒診斷試劑

Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) 煙草花葉病毒診斷試劑 

 Tobacco Ringspot Virus (TRSV)煙草環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV)煙草條紋病毒診斷試劑

Tomato Aspermy Virus (TAV) 番茄不孕病毒診斷試劑

Tomato Black Ring Virus (TBRV)番茄黑環(huán)病毒診斷試劑

Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (TBSV)番茄叢矮病毒診斷試劑

Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV)   番茄花葉病毒診斷試劑

Tomato Ringspot Virus (ToRSV)番茄環(huán)斑病毒診斷試劑

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)番茄斑萎病毒診斷試劑

Turnip Mosaic Virus (TuMV)蕪菁花葉病毒診斷試劑

Watermelon Mosaic Virus 2 (WMV2)西瓜花葉病毒 2 診斷試劑

Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus(WSSMV)小麥梭條斑花葉病毒診斷試劑

Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus(WSMV)小麥條紋花葉病毒診斷試劑

Xanthomonas (Xan) 黃單胞菌診斷試劑

Xanthomonas albilineans (Xalb) 白紋黃單胞菌診斷試劑

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri(Xac) 柑桔潰瘍病菌診斷試劑

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli(Xaph) 菜豆細(xì)菌性疫病菌診斷試劑

Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus (ZYMV) 南瓜黃化花葉病毒診斷試劑


Bt-Cry1Ab/1Ac 轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)試劑

Bt-Cry1Ab/1Ac with Roundup Ready® (CP4 EPSPS) 轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)試劑

Bt-Cry1F (HERCULEX® I) 轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)試劑

Bt-Cry3Bb1( Yieldgard® Rootworm) 轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)試劑

Neomycin Phosphotransferase II (NPTII)轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)試劑

Neomycin Phosphotransferase II (NPTII)轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白檢測(cè)試劑

Plant Growth Hormones植物生長(zhǎng)素試劑盒:

Abscisic Acid(ABA)脫落酸檢測(cè)試劑

Dihydrozeatin Riboside(DHZR)雙氫玉米素檢測(cè)試劑

Indole-3-acetic Acid(IAA), 吲哚-3-乙酸檢測(cè)試劑



Trans-Zeatin Riboside(t-ZR)反玉米素核糖甙檢測(cè)試劑


貨 號(hào) 品 名 規(guī) 格 單價(jià)(元) 廠 家
SRA18200/0500 Maize White Line Mosaic Virus(玉米白線花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA62300/0500 Lily Symptomless Virus(百合無(wú)癥狀病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA68000/0500 Carnation Mottle Virus(康乃馨斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA88500/0500 Papaya Mosaic Virus(番木瓜花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA20101/0096 Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus(洋蔥黃色矮小病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA54300/0500 Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus(齒舌蘭環(huán)斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA24300/0500 Nemesia ring necrosis virus(龍面花環(huán)疽病毒) 500孔 4760 Agdia
SRA68300/0500 Carnation Ringspot Virus(康乃馨環(huán)斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA12401/0500 Melon Necrotic Spot Virus(瓜壞死斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRP45600/0500 Cauliflower Mosaic Virus(花椰菜花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA17300/0500 Maize Stripe Virus(玉米斑紋病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA18800/0500 Maize Streak Virus(玉米條紋病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA18900/0500 Maize Mosaic Virus(玉米花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA18000/0500 Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus(玉米矮小花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA17001/0500 Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus(玉米枯黃斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA20500/0096 Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus(鳳仙壞死斑點(diǎn)病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA72900/0500 Nandina Mosaic Virus(南天竹花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA89500/0500 Cymbidium Mosaic Virus(蘭花花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA73600/0500 African Cassava Mosaic Virus(非洲木薯花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA12300/0500 Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus(芙蓉枯黃環(huán)斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA61000/0096 Groundnut Ringspot Virus – and Tomato Chlorotic Spot Virus(花生卷葉病毒和番茄枯黃斑點(diǎn)病毒) 96孔 2250 Agdia
PSA62800/0096 Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus and Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus(花生胚芽壞死病毒及西瓜銀斑病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA27701/0500 Grapevine Fanleaf Virus(葡萄扇葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA20400/0500 Garlic Common Latent Virus(蒜頭普通潛伏病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA68500/0500 Carnation Necrotic Fleck Virus(康乃馨壞死斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA33001/0500 Cymbidium Ringspot Virus(蘭花環(huán)斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA45800/0500 Lettuce Mosaic Virus(萵苣花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA44800/0096 Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup II (黃瓜花葉病毒-亞群II) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA44700/0096 Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup I (黃瓜花葉病毒-亞群I) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA44501/0096 Cucumber Mosaic Virus (黃瓜花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA45700/0500 Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus(黃瓜綠色斑點(diǎn)花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA24200/0500 Cowpea Mosaic Virus(豇豆花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA81000/0096 Chrysanthemum Virus B(菊花病毒B) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA48000/0500 Dasheen Mosaic Virus(芋頭花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA27500/0096 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-pav(大麥黃矮病毒-pav) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA17401/0500 Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus-strain T(玉米枯黃矮小病毒T株) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA88001/0500 Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus(藍(lán)莓葉斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3780 Agdia
SRA32100/0500 Beet Western Yellows Virus(甜菜Western黃色病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA16301/0500 Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus(甜菜壞死黃色葉脈病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA46400/0096 Bean Pod Mottle Virus(豆莢斑點(diǎn)病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA46000/0096 Bean Common Mosaic Virus(豆普通花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA19200/0500 Blueberry Shock Virus(藍(lán)莓Shock病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA28001/0500 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-rpv(大麥黃矮病毒-rpv) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRP19000/0500 Blueberry Shoestring Virus(藍(lán)莓鞋帶病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA23201/0096 Arabis Mosaic Virus(筷子芥花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA30700/0096 Apple Mosaic Virus(蘋(píng)果花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA40200/0500 Andean Potato Latent Virus(安第斯馬鈴薯潛伏病毒) 500孔 2170 Agdia
SRA32000/0500 American Plum Line Pattern Virus(美國(guó)李子線狀病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA39000/0500 Alstroemeria Mosaic Virus(Alstoemeria花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA87600/0096 Alfalfa Mosaic Virus(苜?;ㄈ~病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA27000/0500 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-sgv(大麥黃矮病毒-sgv) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSB05600/0096 Bt-Cry9C protein 96孔 2660 Agdia
SRA20301/0500 Leek Yellow Stripe Virus(韭菜黃色斑紋病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA65000/0500 Kyuri Green Mottle Mosaic Virus(Kyuri綠色斑點(diǎn)花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA62000/0500 Kalanchoe Latent Virus(高涼菜潛伏病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA18300/0500 Johnsongrass Mosaic Virus(Johnsongrass花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA60500/0500 Iris Yellow Spot Virus(Iris黃斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA34000/0500 Carnation Latent Virus(康乃馨潛伏病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA19100/0500 Blueberry Scorch Virus(藍(lán)莓枯黃病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA83000/0096 Calibrachoa Mottle Virus 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA53500/0096 Papaya Ringspot Virus(番木瓜環(huán)斑病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSP06100/0096 Bt-Cry3Bb1 protein 96孔 2660 Agdia
PSA05900/0096 Bt-Cry3A protein 96孔 2660 Agdia
PSB05800/0096 Bt-Cry2A protein 96孔 2660 Agdia
PSB05700/0096 Bt-Cry1C protein 96孔 2660 Agdia
PSP06200/0096 Bt-Cry1Ab/Ac protein 96孔 2660 Agdia
SRA29300/0500 Brome Mosaic Virus(雀麥花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA34100/0500 Carnation Etched Ring Virus(康乃馨風(fēng)化環(huán)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA71000/0096 Asparagus Virus 2(蘆筍病毒2) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA22000/0096 Tomato Ringspot Virus(番茄環(huán)斑病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA20700/0096 Potato Virus Y-strains c(馬鈴薯病毒Y-c株) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA20001/0096 Potato Virus Y(馬鈴薯病毒Y) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA10000/0096 Potato Virus X(馬鈴薯病毒X) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA10100/0096 Potato Virus V(馬鈴薯病毒V) 500孔 2170 Agdia
SRA40100/0500 Potato Virus T(馬鈴薯病毒T) 500孔 2170 Agdia
PSA26001/0096 Potato Virus Y-necrotic strain(馬鈴薯病毒Y-壞死株) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA24600/0500 Banana Bract Mosaic Virus(香蕉苞葉花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA27200/0096 Potyvirus Group(馬鈴薯Y病毒屬) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA47001/0096 Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus(小麥條紋花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA43001/0500 Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus(小麥紡錘狀條紋花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA61500/0500 Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus – and Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus(西瓜銀斑病毒和花生芽壞死病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA54000/0500 Watermelon Mosaic Virus 2(西瓜花葉病毒2) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA18700/0500 Turnip Mosaic Virus(蕪箐花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA16600/0500 Hosta Virus X(玉簪屬植物病毒X) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA40000/0096 Potato Virus S(馬鈴薯病毒S) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA34600/0500 Shallot Yellow Stripe Virus(蔥黃色斑紋病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA19500/0500 Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus(大麥條狀花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA24700/0500 Banana Bunchy Top Virus(香蕉串狀頂病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA77700/0096 Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus(南瓜黃色花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA14000/0500 Strawberry Latent Ringspot Virus(草莓潛伏環(huán)斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA26400/0096 Squash Mosaic Virus(南瓜花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA33300/0096 Soybean Mosaic Virus(大豆花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA20600/0096 Potato Virus Y-strains o and c(馬鈴薯病毒Y-o和c株) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA42001/0500 Soil-Borne Wheat Mosaic Virus(土壤傳播小麥花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA35400/0096 Tomato Mosaic Virus(番茄花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRP34200/0500 Shallot Latent Virus(蔥潛伏病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA57600/0096 Ribgrass Mosaic Virus(長(zhǎng)葉車前草花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA59401/0500 Raspberry Ringspot Virus(Raspberry環(huán)斑病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA58200/0500 Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus(懸鉤子茂密矮小病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA30500/0096 Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus(野黑櫻桃壞死環(huán)斑病毒 ) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA98700/0096 Prune Dwarf Virus(洋李矮小病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA24100/0500 Southern Bean Mosaic Virus(南方菜豆花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA37500/0096 Pepper Mild Mottle Virus(胡椒溫和斑點(diǎn)病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA39300/0096 Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus(番茄斑點(diǎn)枯萎病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA33602/0500 Plum Pox Virus(李子痘病毒) 500孔 3780 Agdia
PDK09351/0096 Isopentenyladenosine(異戊烯腺苷) 96孔 5925 Agdia
PDK09349/0096 Dihydrozeatin(雙氫玉米素) 96孔 5925 Agdia
PDK09348/0096 trans-Zeatin Riboside(反-玉米素核糖苷) 96孔 5925 Agdia
PDK09347/0096 Abscisic Acid(脫落酸) 96孔 5925 Agdia
SRA21000/0500 Potato Aucuba Mosaic Virus(馬鈴薯珊瑚狀花葉病毒) 500孔 2170 Agdia
SRA38000/0500 Pepper Mottle Virus(胡椒斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA40501/0500 Potato Latent Virus(馬鈴薯潛伏病毒) 500孔 2170 Agdia
PSA13000/0096 Pepino Mosaic Virus(Pepino花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA90100/0096 Pelargonium Zonate Spot Virus(天竺葵帶狀斑點(diǎn)病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA92700/0500 Pelargonium Leaf Curl Virus(天竺葵葉卷曲病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA90000/0500 Pelargonium Flower Break Virus(天竺葵花破裂病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA44600/0500 Peanut Stunt Virus(花生矮小病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA87700/0500 Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus(桃子玫瑰形花飾花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PDK09346/0096 Indole-3-acetic Acid(吲哚-3-乙酸) 96孔 5925 Agdia
PSA49500/0096 Tobacco Etch Virus(煙草蝕刻病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA45400/0500 Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus(番茄茂密矮小病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA37000/0096 Tomato Aspermy Virus(番茄Aspermy病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA46300/0500 Tobacco Vein Mottling Virus(煙草葉脈斑點(diǎn)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA25500/0096 Tobacco Streak Virus(煙草條紋病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA64000/0096 Tobacco Ringspot Virus(煙草環(huán)斑病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA25000/0500 Tobacco Rattle Virus(煙草Rattle病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA90700/0500 Poinsettia Mosaic Virus(猩猩木花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA57400/0096 Tobacco Mosaic Virus(煙草花葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA26500/0096 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-mav(大麥黃矮病毒-mav) 96孔 2350 Agdia
SRA18100/0500 Sugarcane Mosaic Virus(甘蔗花葉病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA72200/0500 Sugarcane Bacilliform Virus(甘蔗桿狀病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
SRA14500/0500 Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge – associated Virus(草莓溫和黃邊相關(guān)病毒) 500孔 3360 Agdia
PSA50000/0096 Potato Virus M(馬鈴薯病毒M) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA60000/0096 Potato Virus A(馬鈴薯病毒A) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA30002/0096 Potato Leaf Roll Virus(馬鈴薯卷葉病毒) 96孔 2350 Agdia
PSA57500/0096 Tobacco Mosaic Virus-c(煙草花葉病毒-c) 96孔 2350 Agdia



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