


當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 資料下載 > formedium2025年價格表-上海起發(fā)


發(fā)布時間:2025/3/6      點擊次數(shù):441




DSCK1024SC Triple Drop Out: -His. -Leu. -Ura. - 100 gram100gram2860.375
DCS0169CSM Single Drop Out: -Ura. - 100 gram100gram2860.375
DCS0079CSM Single Drop Out: -His. - 100 gram100gram2860.375
PMD1305EMM Broth without Nitrogen - 500 gram500gram2167.9
DSCK1027SC Quadruple Drop Out: -His, -Leu, -Trp, -Ura. - 100 gram100gram2860.375
PMD0205EMM Broth - 500 gram500gram1836.8
AIMTB0210AIM-Terrific Broth Base including Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1277.675
TRB0102Terrific Broth - 1 Kg1Kg1029.35
PMD0210EMM Broth - 1 Kg1Kg3429.65
AIMLB0201AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 100g100g187.425
DCS0909CSM Triple Drop Out: -Ade. -Met. -Ura. - 100 gram100gram2860.375
CYN0402Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids - 250 gram250gram993.825
CYN0405Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids - 500 gram500gram2022.65
CYN0505Yeast Nitrogen Base without AA & AS - 500 gram500gram2491.475
HLF1HL5 Medium w/o Gluc, supp with Vit & Micro - 250 gram250gram429.1
CYN2501Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o AA & Calcium - 100 gram100gram467.25
AIMLB0260AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg6893.775
AIMLB0210AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1276.8
PCM0710ME Broth - 1 Kg1Kg1375.15
CYN3101Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o AA & Biotin - 100 gram100gram467.25
HLF2HL5 Medium without Glucose supp with Vit & Micro - 1 Kg1Kg1601.6
CAS03Casamino Acids - 1 Kg1Kg2489.9
DCS0161CSM Single Drop Out: -Ura. - 10 gram10gram565.075
AIMTB0205AIM-Terrific Broth Base including Trace elements - 500g500g765.275
AIMSB0210AIM-Super Broth base including Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1276.8
DCS0901CSM Triple Drop Out: -Ade. -Met. -Ura. - 10 gram10gram565.075
AGA02Agar - 500g500g780.85
GLU01Glucose Anhydrous - 250 gram250gram65.625
G4185G-418 Disulphate - 5 gram5gram2258.025
DSCK012SC Complete - 20 gram20gram602.35
GLU03Glucose Anhydrous - 1 Kg1Kg216.125
3AT0103-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole, 3-AT - 10g10g160.825
3AT0253-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole, 3-AT - 25g25g291.375
3AT1003-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole, 3-AT - 100g100g732.9
5ALA015-Aminolevulinic acid HCl - 1g1g1054.025
5ALA055-Aminolevulinic acid HCl - 5g5g3863.825
5ALA105-Aminolevulinic acid HCl - 10g10g5795.125
5FOA015-Fluoroorotic Acid - 1g1g527.275
5FOA055-Fluoroorotic Acid - 5g5g1756.475
5FOA105-Fluoroorotic Acid - 10g10g3286.675
ACM0210Aspergillus Complete Medium - 1Kg1Kg3417.75
AGA01Agar - 250g250g444.5
AGA03Agar - 1Kg1Kg1463.35
AGA04Agar - 6 x 1 Kg6x1Kg8120.875
AGR02Agar Granulated, Bacteriological Grade - 250g250g527.275
AGR05Agar Granulated, Bacteriological Grade - 500g500g928.725
AGR10Agar Granulated, Bacteriological Grade - 1Kg1Kg1686.3
AGR60Agar Granulated, Bacteriological Grade - 6 x 1 Kg6x1Kg9114.7
AGS0025Agarose Ultrapure - 25g25g514.5
AGS0100Agarose Ultrapure - 100g100g1084.125
AGS0250Agarose Ultrapure - 250g250g2554.125
AGS0500Agarose Ultrapure - 500g500g4318.125
AGS1000Agarose Ultrapure - 1Kg1Kg7313.25
AIM2YT0101AIM-2YT Broth base without Trace elements - 100g100g181.825
AIM2YT0105AIM-2YT Broth base without Trace elements - 500 gram500gram762.825
AIM2YT0110AIM-2YT Broth basewithout Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1270.5
AIM2YT0160AIM-2YT Broth base without Trace elements - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg6857.025
AIM2YT0201AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 100g100g194.6
AIM2YT0205AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 500g500g794.325
AIM2YT0210AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1325.45
AIM2YT0260AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg7156.45
AIMLB0101AIM-LB Broth base without Trace elements - 100g100g175.175
AIMLB0105AIM-LB Broth base without Trace elements - 500g500g734.825
AIMLB0110AIM-LB Broth base without Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1223.775
AIMLB0160AIM-LB Broth base without Trace elements - 6 x 1 Kg6x1Kg6605.375
AIMLB0205AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 500g500g765.275
AIMSB0101AIM-Super Broth base without Trace elements - 100g100g175.175
AIMSB0105AIM-Super Broth base without Trace elements - 500g500g734.825
AIMSB0110AIM-Super Broth base without Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1223.775
AIMSB0160AIM-Super Broth base without Trace elements - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg6543.25
AIMSB0201AIM-Super Broth base including Trace elements - 100g100g187.425
AIMSB0205AIM-Super Broth base including Trace elements - 500g500g765.275
AIMSB0260AIM-Super Broth base inc. Trace elements - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg6893.775
AIMTB0101AIM-Terrific Broth Base without Trace elements - 100g100g175.175
AIMTB0105AIM-Terrific Broth Base without Trace elements - 500g500g734.825
AIMTB0110AIM-Terrific Broth Base without Trace elements - 1Kg1Kg1223.775
AIMTB0160AIM-Terrific Broth Base without Trace elements - 6 x 1 Kg6x1Kg6605.375
AIMTB0201AIM-Terrific Broth Base including Trace elements - 100g100g187.425
AIMTB0260AIM-Terrific Broth Base inc. Trace elements - 6 x 1 Kg6x1Kg6893.775
AMD0101A Medium - 250g250g400.4
AMD0102A Medium - 1Kg1Kg1198.575
AMD0103A Medium - 6 x 1 Kg6x1Kg6463.625
AMM0110Aspergillus Minimal Medium - 1Kg1Kg3638.25
AMP05Ampicillin Sodium - 5g5g130.725
AMP10Ampicillin Sodium - 10g10g155.925
AMP100Ampicillin Sodium - 100g100g1030.05
AMP25Ampicillin Sodium - 25 gram25gram371.7
AMP50Ampicillin Sodium - 50 gram50gram624.75
AMP500Ampicillin Sodium - 500 gram500gram4234.125
ARA001L-(+)-Arabinose - 100 gram100gram597.45
ARA005L-(+)-Arabinose - 500 gram500gram2269.925
ARA010L-(+)-Arabinose - 1 kg1kg4181.275
AXM0101AX Medium - 250 gram250gram400.4
AXM0102AX Medium - 1 Kg1Kg1198.575
AXM0103AX Medium - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg6463.625
BAB0105Blood Agar Base - 500 gram500gram904.575
BAB0110Blood Agar Base - 1 Kg1Kg1595.825
BAB0160Blood Agar Base - 6 x 1Kg6x1Kg8808.45
CAR0005Carbenicillin Disodium - 5 gram5gram351.575
CAR0025Carbenicillin Disodium - 25 gram25gram1568.525


