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更新時間:2022-07-25      點擊次數(shù):971


S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM-e,SAMe,SAM,AdoMet,ademetionine)由GL Cantoni于1952年在意大利發(fā)現(xiàn)。它是由三磷酸腺苷(ATP)和甲硫氨酸經(jīng)甲硫氨酸腺苷轉(zhuǎn)移酶制成的。S-腺苷甲硫氨酸是大多數(shù)生物體中的關鍵代謝物。它通過脫羧作用發(fā)揮重要的轉(zhuǎn)甲基、轉(zhuǎn)硫和氨丙基化功能。
由于 SAM 是一種本質(zhì)上不穩(wěn)定的分子,其 258-260 nm 的最大光密度不是顯著的吸收,因此測定其在各種生物體液和組織中的濃度一直是一項具有挑戰(zhàn)性的任務。一種不需要昂貴儀器(LC、MS 和組合)的簡單、方便的方法顯然是確定 SAM 的生物濃度以及監(jiān)測其在體液、組織和細胞器中的變化和代謝路徑的理想選擇。

據(jù)稱 SAM-e 有助于以下疾?。阂钟舭Y、帕金森病、骨關節(jié)炎癥狀、肝病、肝內(nèi)膽汁淤積癥(尤其是妊娠期)、纖維肌痛、艾滋病相關的脊髓病(與艾滋病相關的脊柱和神經(jīng)疾?。?/span>也有有限的研究參考了 SAMe 在以下情況中的作用:注意力缺陷多動障礙 (ADHD)、經(jīng)前期綜合征 (PMS)、經(jīng)前期煩躁癥 (PMDD)、慢性疲勞綜合征 (CFS)、心臟病、智力缺陷表現(xiàn)、多發(fā)性硬化、癡呆、阿爾茨海默病、肌腱炎、滑囊炎、脊髓損傷、癲癇發(fā)作、偏頭痛、慢性腰痛、鉛中毒和衰老。
如今,當 SAM 每天用作營養(yǎng)補充劑時,了解其影響和后果也是至關重要的。它已被廣泛用作非處方藥,以緩解抑郁癥、骨關節(jié)炎等系統(tǒng)。



甲基化幾乎涉及生活的方方面面。SAM 是 DNA、RNA、蛋白質(zhì)、脂質(zhì)、磷脂、激素和神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)中各種甲基轉(zhuǎn)移反應的甲基供體。適當?shù)?DNA 甲基化對于正常的胚胎發(fā)育至關重要。然而,當甲基轉(zhuǎn)移酶基因純合缺失時,它是致命的。

已在許多腫瘤中發(fā)現(xiàn)不正確甲基化的 DNA。DNA甲基化模式的改變會誘導癌基因的表達或抑制腫瘤抑制基因的表達。缺乏甲基的飲食會導致嚙齒動物患肝癌。


DNA 甲基化導致基因組免受限制性內(nèi)切酶的影響。SAM 通過與嵌入某些 mRNA 的非編碼區(qū)內(nèi)的結(jié)構域結(jié)合來控制基因表達。SAM 在基本生物分子的生產(chǎn)中提供甲基,包括:

  • 乙酰左旋肉堿:神經(jīng)營養(yǎng)素和膜轉(zhuǎn)運劑

  • 腎上腺素和腎上腺素:內(nèi)源性兒茶酚胺、壓力激素和神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)

  • 磷脂酰膽堿:最重要的膜磷脂

  • 肉堿:脂肪燃燒器

  • 磷酸肌酸:主要的 ATP 水庫

  • 褪黑激素:晝夜節(jié)律調(diào)節(jié)劑

SAM 是細胞生長和修復所必需的。它還參與幾種影響情緒的激素和神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)的生物合成,例如腎上腺素。甲基轉(zhuǎn)移酶還負責將甲基添加到信使 RNA 中靠近 5' 帽的第一個和第二個核苷酸的 2' 羥基上


轉(zhuǎn)硫開始于 S-腺苷高半胱氨酸或 SAH,它是 S-腺苷甲硫氨酸 (SAM) 在將甲基轉(zhuǎn)移出 SAM 后的殘留結(jié)構。SAH 的水解產(chǎn)生同型半胱氨酸。這會轉(zhuǎn)化為胱硫醚、半胱氨酸,最后轉(zhuǎn)化為谷胱甘肽,即肝細胞抗氧化劑和拯救生命的解毒劑。由于膳食半胱氨酸含量低,高達 80% 的膳食半胱氨酸通過胃腸道失去其巰基,SAM 是半胱氨酸的主要來源,半胱氨酸是谷胱甘肽的組成部分。作為一種抗氧化劑,它可以保護身體免受體內(nèi)活性氧分子的破壞。這些活性氧分子可能來自體內(nèi)或環(huán)境污染,被認為在衰老過程和退行性疾病的發(fā)展中發(fā)揮作用。一般來說,


氨丙基化是SAM通過脫羧(脫羧酶)引發(fā)的另一個過程。脫羧后的 SAM 然后與腐胺偶聯(lián)生成亞精胺和精胺,這些亞精胺和精胺對細胞生長、分化以及 DNA 和 RNA 的穩(wěn)定性至關重要。此外,多胺合成的副產(chǎn)物甲基硫腺苷 (MTA) 是一種強大的鎮(zhèn)痛和抗炎劑。這可能至少部分地歸因于在使用 SAMe 治療骨關節(jié)炎、類風濕性關節(jié)炎和纖維肌痛中觀察到的臨床益處。

Arthus Biosystems 很高興提供一系列研究試劑和試劑盒,以幫助開展與蛋氨酸循環(huán)相關的科學研究,蛋氨酸循環(huán)是所有生物體進化過程中保守的關鍵生化途徑。我們的 SAM 和 SAH 單克隆抗體具有非常高的滴度和親和力,讓您只需一瓶即可完成大部分研究。迄今為止,我們的抗 SAM 和 SAH 抗體均具有*佳靈敏度。我們還提供經(jīng)過驗證的 SAM 和 SAH 偶聯(lián)物以及生物s等示蹤分子,以幫助您研究生物分子-生物分子的相互作用并開發(fā)進一步的檢測方法。



Catalog No. Name Description Packaging
Immunoassay Kits and Strips
IK00201 SAM ELISA S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit 96 tests
IK00201s SAM ELISA s S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples 96 tests
IK00202 SAM ELISA 2 S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range 96 tests
IK00202s SAM ELISA 2s S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range 96 tests
IK00203 SAM ELISA 3 S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range 48 tests
IK00203s SAM ELISA 3s S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range 48 tests
IK00204 SAM ELISA 4 S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for cell culture supernatant or other samples 96 tests
IK00301 SAH ELISA S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit 96 tests
IK00301s SAH ELISA s S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples 96 tests
IK00302 SAH ELISA 2 S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range 96 tests
IK00302s SAH ELISA 2s S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range 96 tests
IK00303 SAH ELISA 3 S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range 48 tests
IK00303s SAH ELISA 3s S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range 48 tests
IK00304 SAH ELISA 4 S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for cell culture supernatant or other samples 96 tests
IK00401 MAT Activity Assay Methionine Adenosyltransferase (MAT) activity assay kit 96 tests
IK00403 MAT Activity Assay 3 Methionine Adenosyltransferase (MAT) activity assay kit 48 tests
Antibodies and Conjugates
MA00201-50 Mouse anti-SAM 1b Mouse monoclonal antibody to S- denosylmethionine Clone 118-6 100µg
MA00201-100 Mouse anti-SAM 1a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 118-6 50µg
MA00202-50 Mouse anti-SAM 2a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S- denosylmethionine Clone 84-3 50µg
MA00202-100 Mouse anti-SAM 2b Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 84-3 100µg
MA00203-50 Mouse anti-SAM 3a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 118-18 50µg
MA00204-50 Mouse anti-SAM 4a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 84-19 50µg
PA00201-50 Rabbit anti-SAM a Rabbit polyclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine 50µg
PA00201-100 Rabbit anti-SAM b Rabbit polyclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine 100µg
MA00301-50 Mouse anti-SAH 1a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-1 50µg
MA00302-50 Mouse anti-SAH 2a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-10 50µg
MA00303-50 Mouse anti-SAH 3a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-3 50µg
MA00304-50 Mouse anti-SAH 4a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-16 50µg
MA00305-50 Mouse anti-SAH 5a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 844-1 50µg
MA00306-50 Mouse anti-SAH 6a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 844-2 50µg
MA00307-50 Mouse anti-SAH 7a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 839-6 50µg
MA00308-50 Mouse anti-SAH 8a Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 839-12 50µg
MAF00201-25 AF6-anti-SAM 1a Alexa Fluor® 647 (AF6) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-6 25µg
MAF00201-50 AF6-anti-SAM 1b Alexa Fluor® 647 (AF6) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-6 50µg
MAF00202-50 AF6-anti-SAM 2a Phycoerythrin (PE) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 84-3 50µg
MAF00301-25 AF488-anti-SAH 1a Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-3 25µg
MAF00301-50 AF488-anti-SAH 1b Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-3 50µg
MAF00302-50 AF488-anti-SAH 2a Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 839-6 50µg
MAH00201-50 HRP-anti-SAM 1a Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-6 50µl
MAH00202-50 HRP-anti-SAM 2a Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 84-3 50µl
MAH00203-50 HRP-anti-SAM 3a Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-18 50µl
MAH00204-50 HRP-anti-SAM 4a Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 84-19 50µl
MAH00301-50 HRP-anti-SAH 1a Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-3 50µl
MAH00302-50 HRP-anti-SAH 2a Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-16 50µl
MAH00701-50 HRP-anti-DIG Peroxidase-conjugated IgG Fraction Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Digoxigenin 50µl
PA00401-50 Rabbit anti-MAT s Rabbit polyclonal antiserum against methionine adenosyltransferase 50µl
PA00401-50 Rabbit anti-MAT g Rabbit polyclonal antiserum against methionine adenosyltransferase (with glycerol) 50µl
Compounds and Conjugates
AST00201 Aza-SAM A series of S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standards: 500nM, 250nM, 125nM, 62.5nM, 31.25nM, 15.625nM, 7.8125nM, 0nM 1ml
AST00201-1 Aza-SAM a S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standard. Buffer (4 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $15 each). 1ml (500nM)
AST00201-200 Aza-SAM b S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standard. Buffer (10 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $15 each). 200ul (5µM)
AST00201-1s Aza-SAM as S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standard for serum/plasma. Buffer (3.2 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied. 1ml (1µM)
ACT00201-5 PLL-aza-SAM a Poly-lysine was conjugated to S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM (AST00201). Coating for 10-20 96-well micro-titer plates. 5µg
ACT00201-10 PLL-aza-SAM b Poly-lysine was conjugated to S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM (AST00201). Coating for 20-40 96-well micro-titer plates. 10µg
ACT00202-50 Bio-SAM a Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylmethionine. 50µg
ACT00202-100 Bio-SAM b Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylmethionine. 100µg
ACT00203-50 Bio-6C-SAM 1a Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 50µg
ACT00203-100 Bio-6C-SAM 1b Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 100µg
ACT00204-5 BSA-aza-SAM a Bovine serum Albumin was conjugated to S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM (AST00201). Coating for 10-20 96-well micro-titer plates. 5µg
ACT00205-10 Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1a Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 10µg
ACT00205-50 Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1b Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 50µg
ACT00205-100 Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1c Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 100µg
ACT00206-10 Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1a Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. 10µg
ACT00206-50 Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1b Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. 50µg
ACT00206-100 Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1c Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. 100µg
AST00301-1 SAH-Na S-Adenosylhomocysteine standard ( SAH Sodium). Buffer (18 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $15 each). 1ml (4µM)
AST00301-1s SAH-Na s S-Adenosylhomocysteine standard ( SAH Sodium) for serum/plasma. Buffer (8ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $60 each). 0.5ml (4µM)
ACT00301-50 BSA-SAH BSA was conjugated to S-Adenosylhomocysteine. Coating for 10 96-well micro-titer plates. 50µg (20µg)
ACT00302-50 Bio-SAH a Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylhomocysteine. 50µg
ACT00302-100 Bio-SAH b Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylhomocysteine. 100µg
ACT00303-50 Bio-6C-SAH 1a Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 50µg
ACT00303-100 Bio-6C-SAH 1b Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-aminohexanoic acid. 100µg
ACT00304-25 Dig-6C-SAH 1a Digoxin is conjugated to NH2- of SAH through 6-bromocaproic acid 25µg
ACT00304-50 Dig-6C-SAH 1b Digoxin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-bromocaproic acid. 50µg
ACT00304-100 Dig-6C-SAH 1c Digoxin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-bromocaproic acid. 100µg
ACT00305-10 Bio-12CN-SAH 1a Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. 10µg
ACT00305-50 Bio-12CN-SAH 1b Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. 50µg
ACT00305-100 Bio-12CN-SAH 1c Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. 100µg
AST00401-50 MAT a Recombinant methionine adenosyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression 50µg
AST00401-500 MAT b Recombinant methionine adenosyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression 500µg
ACT00501-100 BSA-HCY Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was conjugated to homocysteine (HCY). 100µg
AST00601-50 HMT a Recombinant Homocysteine S-methyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression 50µg
AST00601-500 HMT b Recombinant Homocysteine S-methyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression 500µg

