截止到目前, 我們非常自豪可以在幾個主要研究課題的重點研究工作上保持著非常高的科研水準:
- 生物化學(xué)和人類腫瘤標志物和獸藥標志物免疫學(xué) [癌胚抗原(CEA),糖類抗原(CA 125),糖類抗原(CA 19 – 9),糖類抗原(CA 72 – 4),附膜蛋白(MUC1),細胞角蛋白等];
- 食物抗原的免疫化學(xué)(特別是谷物,肉類和魚類醇溶蛋白);
- 真菌性抗原的研究以及對食品和環(huán)境真菌污染評估的免疫開發(fā)研究。
產(chǎn)品目錄編號 | 產(chǎn)品名稱 | 檢測的數(shù)量 | 產(chǎn)品英文名稱 | 樣品量,微升 | 靈敏度 | 階段編號 | 培育時間,分鐘 | 培育溫度 | 保質(zhì)期,月 | 方法 | 版本 | CE注冊號 |
K930 | SULPHONAMIDE EIA | 96 | Sulphonamides are widely used in agriculture as potent and effective f> | 50 | 0,5 ?g/l | 2 | /60/60/10-20' | 37?C | 12 | ??? | 002 | 0 |
K902 | Laevomycetin (Chloramphenicol) EIA | 96 | Laevomycetin (Chloramphenicol) is a potent antibiotic drug which is wi> | 50 | 0,035 ?g/l | 1 | //60/25-35' | 37 ?C | 12 | ??? | 909 | 0 |
K101M | Toxoplasma IgM EIA | 96 | TToxoplasmosis is a widespread infection caused by the intracellular p> | 10 | K | 2 | 60//30/10-20' | 37 ?C | 12 | ??? | 906 | 0 |
K102M | Rubella IgM EIA | 96 |
| 10 | K | 2 | 60//30/10-20' | 37 C | 12 | EIA | 003 | 0 |
K103M | Cytomegalovirus IgM EIA | 96 |
| 10 | K | 2 | 60//30/10-20' | 37 C | 12 | EIA | 906 | 0 |
K104M | HSV 1, 2 IgM EIA | 96 |
| 10 | K | 2 | 60//30/10-20' | 37 C | 12 | EIA | 906 | 0 |
K151C | Parvo-IgG EIA | 96 | Parvovirus genus includes several specii, the canidae Parvovirus (CPV)> | 100* | 5 U/ml | 2 | 30//30/10-20' | 37 ?C | 12 | ??? | 711 | 0 |
K152C | CDV-IgG EIA | 96 | canidae/mustelidae Distermer disease is caused by a virus of the Pramy> | 100* | 10 U/ml | 2 | 30//30/10-20' | 37 ?C | 12 | ??? | 711 | 0 |
K244 | CA72-4 EIA | 96 | CA72-4 is a carbohydrate antigen (an epitope) with a MM ca. 230 kD ass> | 10 | 2 U/ml | 2 | 120//60/10-20' | 37 ?C | 12 | ??? | 901 | 0 |
K279K | free K-chain EIA | 96 | Apart from normal immunoglobulins, free immunoglobulin light chains (k> | 40* | 1 ?g/ml | 2 | 30//30/10-20' | 37 ?C | 18 | ??? | 000 | 0 |
K279L | free L-chain EIA | 96 | Apart from normal immunoglobulins, free immunoglobulin light chains (k> | 40* | 0,1 ?g/ml | 2 | 30//30/10-20' | 37 ?C | 18 | ??? | 000 | 0 |
KQ23 | PrenaQon-Control | 2 levels x 2 pcs; 1 ml |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 36 | 0 | 510 | NO |
E235 | ?-HCG LIFA | 96 | Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is a glycoprotein with molecular wei> | 50 | 0,5 ng/ml | 1 | //60/10-' | 37?C | 0 | ???? | 901 | 0 |
E238 | PAPP-A LIFA | 96 | Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is a glycoprotein with molecular wei> | 50 | 20 mIU/l | 1 | //60/10-' | 37?C | 0 | ???? | 901 | 0 |
K236 | CYFRA 21-1 EIA | 96 | Antigen CYFRA 21-1 is an established name for the epitopes expressed o> | 50 | 1 ng/ml | 1 | //30/10-20' | 37 ?C | 12 | ??? | 912 | 0 |
K174CF | Nematoda IgG-CF EIA | 96 |
| 100* | K | 2 | 30//30/10-20' | 37 C | 12 |
| 002 | 0 |
K175CF | Eucestoda IgG-CF EIA | 96 |
| 100* | K | 2 | 30//30/10-20' | 37 C | 12 |
| 004 | 0 |
K200S | Specific IgE EIA | 96 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | 50 | 0,1 IU/ml | 3 | 60/60/30/10-20' | 18-25?C | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SCB | Specific IgE CB EIA | 16 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | 0 |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SP | Specific IgE P EIA | 96 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | 0 |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200ST | Specific IgE T EIA | 96 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | 0 |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200STx | Specific IgE-Tx EIA | 40 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | * |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SD1 | Specific IgE-D1 EIA | 40 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | * |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SE1 | Specific IgE-E1 EIA | 40 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | * |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SE2 | Specific IgE-E2 EIA | 40 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | * |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SGx | Specific IgE-Gx EIA | 40 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | * |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K200SW56 | Specific IgE-W56 EIA | 40 | Specific IgE (sIgE) mediates type I (immediate) allergic reactions, wi> | * |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
K470 | CIC- | 96x4 | Immune complexes are clusters of interlocking antigens and antibodies.> | 20 | 0 | 1 | 120///-' | 18-25?C | 36 | ?? | 001 | 0 |
K201N | TSH-Neo EIA | 96 | TSH-Neo ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Thyroi> | 0 | 3 ?IU/ml | 2 | 12-18 ????? (????)//60/10-20' | 18-25?C | 12 | ??? | 001 | 0 |
#NBS | 0 | 3 c 1 |
| 0 |
| 0 | ///-' | 0 | 0 |
| 005 | 0 |
K111 | Treponema pallidum EIA | 96 |
| 40 | K | 2 | 30//30/15-30' | 37C | 12 |
| 000 | 0 |