Category: Elisa Kits
An increase in sesame seed (Sesamum indicum) allergy in children and adults has been reported in recent years. A study investigating 4078 Australian children found the sensitisation rate to sesame seed to be one third that of the peanut sensitisation rate and higher than that of any tree nut. Similar results were found in a study from Israel. Another study in Israel found sesame to be a major cause of food allergy, second only to cow’s milk as a cause of anaphylaxis. A case of anaphylaxis has been reported after ingestion of meat and vegetables cooked in sesame seed oil.
The ELISA SYSTEMS Sesame Seed Residue assay is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that may be used to screen food products for the presence of sesame seed material caused by cross contamination with sesame seed products and residues. This assay is a rapid and reliable test that significantly reduces the time required to screen food products for the presence of sesame seed residues.
0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 ppm Sesame Seed Protein
Time required for testing an extracted sample: Approximay 65 minutes.